[Timeline] How to Use This Course
The 3-5 Year Timeline
Writing and publishing a book takes an enormous amount of time and effort. So often do I work with authors who focused so much on the publishing milestone that they missed out on enormous opportunities for marketing and awards. As a result, the fanfare of their launch quickly fizzles out, and they are left wondering what all that hard work was for.
That is not what I want for talented authors like yourself. Thus, I undertook an audacious effort to create a course that spans the entirety of the publishing process. This is not a course that teaches you to write. This is a course that teaches you to organize, market, and leverage your talent to great success, both for your book and for yourself. It's a course that can't be completed until a book has been on the market for 6mo+. People told me I was crazy to make a course like this. I told them authors NEED this information years before they launch their books. So here we are.
Below is the timeline for using this course. I suggest watching all the videos first, and then going deeper with the guides and worksheets in each corresponding module during each phase of your book writing process. I'm always available to support your efforts. Let me know if you need help.
— Veronica