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The Entrepreneurial Author Course
[Video] Welcome & Overview (4:13)
[Timeline] How to Use This Course
[Guide] Detailed Coursebook
Module I: Preparing Your Book Plan
Lecture 1: Why Should You Write A Book? (2:49)
Lecture 2: Planning Your Book (2:45)
Lecture 3: Why & How to Conduct Market Research (5:17)
[Guide] How to Conduct Market Research
Module II: Your Author Brand
Lecture 4: What Is I.P. & Why Do You Need It? (7:38)
Lecture 5: Finding & Pitching Agents (5:05)
Lecture 6: Types of Publishers, When You Need One, & How To Get One (8:00)
Module III: Preparing to Publish
Lecture 7: What are Beta Readers & How to Find Them (7:47)
Lecture 8: Why Reviews Matter & What To Do With Them (6:25)
[Sample] ARC Page From My Book & Bookmark
Lecture 9: Forming & Managing A Street Team (7:00)
Module IV: Launch Plan
Lecture 10: Marketing A Book (10:47)
Lecture 11: Applying for Book Awards [Plus what to do when you win!] (6:50)
Lecture 12: Planning a Book Tour (12:04)
Module V: Wrap Up
Lecture 13: What's Next? (1:20)
[Promote Yourself] Tell Us About Your Books!
Lecture 2: Planning Your Book
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